Rena Perozich

Rena Perozich is a Prophet, mentor and life-coach for men and women and an encourager to many. She is the founder and host of a successful multi-denominational women's ministry called Women of Witness. Through Women of Witness, Rena helps other women find their purpose with God and build strong, healthy relationships with others. Women of Witness meets monthly for a round table discussion of books and articles relevant to modern Christian womanhood. Rena writes a daily blog called RPMDaily. She also hosts a spring Women's Conference and a Fall Intensive called "Remarkable Woman". By profession, Rena is a pastor ordained with MFC Ministries and is the Senior Elder at Morgantown Faith Center, Morgantown, WV where she specializes in pastoral counseling for women of all ages and relationship counseling. She ministers prophetically with a strong healing and deliverance anointing. She has a gift for teaching God's Word in an exciting and understandable manner. She is the author of several books, "The ABC's of Being a Mother","Moments that Matter" that can be ordered on Amazon and the church website, and many songs along with writing a monthly email newsletter called FeMail. She also co-hosts, with her husband, a television program titled "Heirloom Time" which can be seen regionally on various cable systems and online. Her and her husband recently founded a Bible College in Ghana Africa and travel extensively being pastors to pastors and building the Kingdom of God through local churches and their Apostolic Network. In her personal life, she is an avid cyclist, runner and excellent cook. She and her husband, Joe Perozich, have been married since 1977 and have two adult daughters, a son in law, two grandsons and a grand daughter on the way. The Perozich's make their home in Fairmont, WV.