Conversations sometimes need a little planning ahead too. We need to be sure the things we will be chewing on this Thanksgiving won’t be something we choke on or have to re-eat at a later date. So how do we plan to not end up with our foot in our mouth? Think about what you want to talk about ahead of time. Ask yourself what you’d like the end result of the time spent together to look like. Get enough sleep and be sure to eat something small early in the day so you’re not exhausted and starved at dinner time. Look your best and you’ll tend to be your best. Holidays can be stressful so prepare for them as much as you do the meal or the presents. It is how we make others feel that they will remember more than what we ate or what they got.
There will be something that you forget or that turns out less than the perfect we all strive for, but it doesn’t have to be our conversation or the way we treat one another. Determine to love those you do life with. Treat the ones that will cry the hardest at your funeral better than you would treat a stranger. If it is not kind don’t say it and remember to say, “Thank you.” The holiday is called “Thanksgiving” for a reason. Practice giving thanks this week, many people would love to have your mother, your brother, your crazy aunt...or whoever it is that drives you crazy. The Bible tells us to give thanks in all circumstances.
PS You may want to go ahead and get that turkey out of the freezer and set it in the refrigerator today.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV) “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.”