1. What you believe about God.
2. Who you marry.
3. Where you will work.
4. Where you will live.
These four choices determine so many of our day to day choices. Who you serve determines what you will decide in choices 2, 3, and 4. Think about that for a moment. Will you decide for yourself without the wisdom and guidance of God who you will marry? When you determine whether you will marry, and who you will marry, it often helps one to decide what kind of job they want to have. Will they have children? Where do they want to raise those children, and in what climate they want to do so?
​Will your spouse help you to be what God has called you to be, or will they fight you? If you always wanted to raise children and they don't, what will you do? Perhaps you always wanted to be a doctor but, the years of study, and hours away from home aren't tolerated by the person with whom you want to marry, how will you make that decision?