“It is true! The Lord has risen and has appeared to Simon.”
With all other disciples, they couldn't fathom Jesus and death in the same sentence.
Indeed, their original high hopes for Christ fell to equally abysmal depths once He died. Returning home that Sunday afternoon proved the finality of their hope, despite the ferment of equal exhilaration and despair circulating among the disciples over news of Christ's resurrection. The men of Emmaus had no doubt: Jesus was gone and that was the end of their confidence. Naturally, they talked as they walked, discussing the "what ifs" of the Final Week in Jerusalem, wondering "why this and that" had happened. Verses 19b-24 unquestionably summarized their discussions. When we fail to understand events, things, or people we begin to talk about what happened over and over again; we try to make sense of things so we know where to put them. Don't we? Why did this person die? Why are there so many deaths and yet so few of us know of anyone with the virus?
Their obsession with Christ's failure at Calvary led to their failing to recognize Him when He approached. Sometimes what we think keeps us from seeing truth. He hadn't disguised Himself. They simply couldn't recognize Him because they rejected the whole idea of His death. What is it in our own life we don't see (or won't see) because of what we believe? We will only understand Jesus if we see Calvary as a Victory, not a Defeat; as a Conquest, not a Subjugation! Despite their denials, and subsequent inability to recognize Him, He tried to awaken them to His identity and purpose by seeking specific information about the cause of their sadness.
While they couldn't believe that anyone in Jerusalem could be ignorant of the epochal changes in the past week, they faithfully recounted to Him what they knew. As they did, it was obvious they had first-hand information. Everything said was in harmony with Gospel teaching about Jesus. Their references to Christ's possible resurrection are also authentic truth-telling biography. Nothing but confusion could result in those garbled reports, those partial accounts from differing sources. Had instant faith in Christ's resurrection resulted from such accounts, skeptics would have reason to doubt. When we listen to all the reports about the virus and the economy and the president we can become confused as well. We must hear the words of Jesus and believe in that and that alone!
The men with Jesus on the road to Emmaus had the unbelievable benefit of Christ's personal tutoring in the meaning of Old Testament Scripture. In what was unquestionably a stern rebuke, delivered in a light-hearted manner, Jesus tied His death and resurrection to prophetic teaching. He explained plainly what generations of their scholars had misunderstood: only through suffering could Jesus gain the victory that equaled His suffering. That offered the real, true meaning of all Old Testament teaching.
If the video does not show up here you may view in your browser or click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YlzWPPiH4A (please do not judge my resources but simply enjoy the video as it is Biblical)
We have all sinned and deserve God’s judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.