The force that hit those first believers filled them with not just the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of tongues but, a boldness that enabled Peter to preach such a powerful sermon, that the very first time he preached he was empowered to get 3,000 saved....not bad for a first-timer right?
Then there is a fullness that took place that day and continues still--has continued for over 2000 years. It is having the Holy Spirit and all His attributes alive on the inside of you. Wisdom lives on the inside of a believer that has been filled with the Holy Spirit. He is a teacher, a mentor, a coach, a parent, a friend, a miracle-worker, a revealer, a prophet, and many more. Having this fullness allows or enables a believer to say, "No to sin and yes to God".
If you struggle with sin, and struggle knowing what to do with your life, or in life situations, I encourage you to stick with me for a few days as we "Blog" our way through some real applicable information, and perhaps even an impartation; as I share with you what I learned about, (My Best Friend).
​Make a great day! Don't know how? Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and help you. He waiting for you to simply ask.