The snake had been stretched across the trail moments earlier and some much braver than I riders had scooted it off to the side of the trail. Of course curiosity had kept them off their bikes and captivated by the now coiled in the leaves Timber Rattler. As my friend and I drew close we could hear the rattle. We stopped and were immediately filled in with all the details. Obviously this upset reptile was quite famous in both neighboring towns. They knew he was there in the woods as numerous persons had spotted him but no one had yet been able to find the nerve to kill him. My bike safely off to the other side of the road I ventured over to where the two young men were standing. They thought it funny that if they moved away the rattling stopped but if they ventured closer the rattling would begin again. I was fascinated as well—until I returned home to tell my “snake story”. It was only then I was informed that a Timber Rattler can jump a third of its length. This snake was maybe 5-6 feet long, which meant who could have jumped 2 feet. It’s easy to be brave from a distance.
You may feel as though you are a long way from Judgement Day—a long way from being old and close to dying. That being the case it’s easy to be brave enough (or stupid) to sin and think you will get right with God when you get old or sick. I’d like to tell you ole Satan tells that to a lot of young people and unfortunately many of them do not get the pleasure of growing old or getting sick…they just die. That day on the trail I could have easily died. We were several miles from either city, on either end of the trail. The wooded area was so thick with trees and water on the one side and a rocky hillside on the other it would have been impossible for a chopper to land. If I biked after a venomous snake bite I probably would have pumped the venom into my blood stream and died and for the record no one was going to slice me open on purpose. Obviously it was not my day to meet Jesus though I was ready spiritually. We do not know the hour or day that Jesus is coming, but He will come like a thief in the night. There’s a story in the Bible about ten virgins and five were ready and five were not. The ones that were not ready had to go buy oil for their lamps and while they were out the bridegroom came. (Matthew 25)
Matthew 25: 12-13 (NKJV) “But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’13 “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour, in which the Son of Man is coming.”
Yes, it’s easy to be brave from a distance the problem is we never know how close death is until we get home. Where is home for you? If heaven is not your home perhaps today would be a good day to make your reservation? (Romans 10:9-10)