Today was no different than hundreds of days I have already lived through. My daughter phoned me with a migraine and asks if I could come sit a few hours with my grandson. This was a rare incident as she rarely asks for help. What was typical was that I just had to roll with it. Mondays are my only day off and I do all the household chores on Mondays; which include but are never limited to laundry, changing bed sheets, floors mopped, furniture polished and if you’re female you know the drill. I rolled with it. A quick shower and then changed over the clothes, turned down the black beans to simmer and then threw the boiled eggs into a colander for peeling when I got back home (I did mention cook for the weeks lunches right)? Then out the door I went. A quick stop to pick up pancakes at McDonald's (my grandson loves pancakes-Nonna needed coffee) and I was on my way. Adjustment made. When I came home I went right back into Monday Mode never skipped a beat. I rolled with it.
Once at my grandsons he began his normal routine which includes walking and moving heavy objects. He loves to push heavy things around. Today it was his high chair. However with each push across the kitchen floor, his mother upstairs napping he stumped his toes. After kissing his toes several times (don't say a word-wait until you have grandchildren and you will understand) he looked up at me and turned and walked out of the room. He came back with his shoes and sat down and proceeded to try to put them on. After a bit of frustration I aided in the shoes being put upon the chubby little feet. Then it was back to pushing the chair with this huge smile as if to say, "I solved that problem." He rolled with it. I was so proud of this little guy not quite two years old yet.
Now how does that relate to the turtle photo? So glad you ask. While biking on the trail Saturday I happened upon two momma turtles burying their eggs. They backed down into the side of the hill and started digging in. Once they had sufficiently dug their hole each laid her eggs and then proceeded to cover them up with their strong and taloned back feet and legs. Then as if nothing significant had happened each began to stroll down the center of the trail. I looked down at one as I photographed her and said, "I bet you feel much better now." She never answered me she just went about her business. We females are really something. When it's time to do something--we just do it! Adapt and overcome is our mantra by nature. Eleanor had it right. God designed us with everything it takes to be who we are--for the purpose we were created.
Whatever may come your way this week? Just roll with it. Take it from the momma turtle here in this photo below--when it seems all uphill, just keep climbing. You can do this! Come September those eggs will be opening and the little turtles will be finding their way back to the river all by themselves--because...that's what they were created to do. What were you created for? Whatever it is--you got the goods. Just roll with it!