There are memories the Lord wants us to block out. In His loving kindness the Lord wants us to remember the good and extract good from our experiences and battles rather than to make vows that keep the pain of events hidden below the surface; which only serves to surface and drag us down at a later date. Others may see the tip of the iceberg and think all is well with no knowledge that the bigger issues still lies beneath or smiles and well defined exterior. Choose wisely what you rehearse from the trials and tribulations of your journey here in earth. Choose to recite the victories of life. In my personal experiences the true men of war don't talk about the battle but the victory. The only ones I have ever heard tell the gruesome and bloody stories are the ones who never really saw that part of the battle. When you really go through some horrific challenges and not just survive but begin to thrive you become grateful and give thanks.
Giving childbirth is not easy and it is painful but for the treasure of a child I went through it three times and would have done so many more times had I physically been able to. The victory was worth the battle. I do not remember the pain I only remember the face of those little children and how my heart grew when I looked upon their faces. Their birthdays are memorials. On my entry table lays a memorial candle of the life my father lived. I do not rehearse the day my father died. I rehearse the life my father lived. I don't rehearse the days he was sick. I rehearse the days he was well.
Make memories and then recite them in the ears of those that are following in your footsteps and begin today to do so the biblical way.