When someone is really enjoyable you go out of your way to be with them. You will drive a long distance and do whatever is necessary to get to them. You tell others about them. You want to share them with others. They are special. The Bible tells us a lot about fruit, in fact there are 41 verses that mention fruit.
Matthew 12:33 (KJV) “Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for the tree is known by its fruit.”
I know about peaches and some are good and some are not. The ones that aren’t any good I don’t waste time on. I could care less where they are located, or if I ever eat another one my entire life. They are simply not worth my time. Now I would hate that to be said about me. That when they taste and see my life they could care less if they ever heard or saw from me again. But yet don’t we feel like that about some people we have met? Why we even say, "They leave a bad taste in my mouth", or "They remind me of a real lemon".
Matthew 7:16 (NIV) “By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?”
If you and I want to be the kind of people that drawl others to us, then we have to be the kind of person that is consistent and sweet. If one day we are mean and nasty and another day kind and gentle then we are probably not worth the drive and not someone another person would wait all year for, share with others and want to tell others about. Well, “That’s just peachy.” You mean to tell me the life I live can either drawl people to me or repel people from me? Exactly, and if people don’t like the container the message comes in—well they are probably not going to want to hear the message. Want to be a vessel the Lord can work through? Try being sweet.