It’s easy to keep things in the proper perspective when we put God where He belongs. In our series on Nehemiah we find one of the successful traits that Nehemiah possessed was keeping the main thing the main thing.
Nehemiah called God “Lord.” He recognized the Lord as his master and the “God of Heaven.” He acknowledged that his God was beyond the earthly realm and above all other gods. God deserves to be honored, revered and feared by all because of who He is and that reminds us who we are. God is sovereign and we are servants.
Nehemiah’s earthly boss, “King Artaxerxes”, was the greatest and mightiest on earth, but compared to God, Artaxerxes was nothing. Nehemiah was in Susa and his concern is in far off-Jerusalem, but both cities one rich, the other poor, one strong the other weak, one proud, the other broken were like tiny specks of dust under the vast canopy of God’s heaven. Nehemiah’s earthly boss was unconcerned and unaware but His heavenly boss was very much aware and concerned. So Nehemiah made God’s concerns his concern. Friends, when we go to God in prayer, things get put into their proper perspective.
Nehemiah knew that God was not only able, but also willing to respond to his prayer. He also knew that he did not deserve to have God treat him favorably. That’s why the next phase of his prayer is a confession of sin. Like Job, his encounter with an awesome God brings him to the place of repentance and confession.
If you are interested in putting things in proper perspective begin to put God first and foremost in all you do. When you pray recite who God is and what He is capable of. Verbally recite aloud the promises of God that relate to the request you are making and watch God do for you what He did for Nehemiah. You got this.