Holidays are challenging. To get everything that needs to be done completed is a race to the end. In our already busy lives we find that a holiday can be the straw that broke the camel’s back. The load we carry every day is heavy enough. So what can we do when the big day is only a day a way?
When my girls were little a movie came out called, “Annie” and she sang a song, “The sun will come out tomorrow…that tomorrow they’ll be sun…so pick up your chin and grin…” This song was a catchy little tune that made you smile every time you heard it, but it also has a lot of truth in it. Tomorrow is another day. Don’t let the pressures of tomorrow ruin your today. The Bible has a lot to say about taking one day at a time.
Matthew 6:34 (NIV) “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
Yes, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Don’t worry about it all—pray about it all. No matter what it is to be a day of giving thanks. When you pray today begin with giving thanks. You may be surprised at all you have to be grateful for and when we are grateful we are happier. Perhaps it’s not everyone else that needs to change but ourselves that needs to change. When we change everyone around us changes. Let Thanksgiving begin with us…“it’s only a day a way”.