Since Christmas is all about Jesus you would think that we would all be preparing to spend time with Him. Instead we are all getting ready for Santa Claus and dinner and where and what we are buying for our children, loved ones and coworkers. Ever wonder how we got here? When did Christmas become Xmas? When did we quit teaching our children Christmas Carols and replace the pageants with creative dance about falling snowflakes and songs about Jingle Bells and Sleigh Rides pulled by reindeer?
We've come a long way baby. We've come from O Little Town in Bethlehem to Frosty the Snowman. I cannot find the connection between these two songs. Somehow Christmas got lost in the hustle and bustle of the "Holiday Season". It wasn't a season when Jesus came to the earth it was a reason. Sinful man needed a Savior. We could no more save ourselves then than we could when Jesus was born that happy morning or today when no one seems to be happy regardless of what time of day it is.
Remember the reason for the season. Plan to celebrate what the day was originally set aside for—O Come Let Us Adore Him. We set the pace. We decide what we are going to do on the Eve of December 24th and the morning of December 25th. The weary world needs to rejoice and we who know why, need to “Go Tell It On The Mountain.”
What are your plans for today? Plan to do what God did to show His love to us. He so loved He gave of Himself not from a store O’ Come All Ye Faithful…