“Life is an endless cycle of beginnings and endings; of comings and goings, of saying hello and saying goodbye. Either one without the other can leave life incomplete and unfinished with ragged edges and painful reminders.” Reverend Don Gall
Ecclesiastes 7: 1-14 (NLT) “The day one dies is better than the day he is born! 2 It is better to spend your time at funerals than at festivals. For you are going to die, and it is a good thing to think about it while there is still time. 3 Sorrow is better than laughter, for sadness has a refining influence on us. 4 Yes, a wise man thinks much of death, while the fool thinks only of having a good time now. 10 Don’t long for “the good old days,” for you don’t know whether they were any better than these!... 14 Enjoy prosperity whenever you can, and when hard times strike, realize that God gives one as well as the other—so that everyone will realize that nothing is certain in this life.”
Don’t allow us to leave a season without getting all we can get out of each day. Prepare us for our tomorrow. Help us to release anything that would keep us tethered to our past that would keep us from our future. Amen.