It’s our fallen nature to be boastful. We begin boasting at a young age. “My Dad’s stronger than your Dad.” “I bet my brother can whip your brother.” Oh, I know you were never one of “those kids”, well maybe not but I bet you knew at least one or two kids who were like that. We all did. Things should have changed by now. If we are followers of Christ and disciples—meaning disciplined ones then by now we ought to be a bit further along than comparing what we have with what others have. Bearing the cross is totally different than boasting in the cross.
Luke 14:27 (NKJV) “27 And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.”
Then there are those of us who don’t go around bearing the cross we choose to wear the cross. We have T-Shirts with the cross on it. We have necklaces with all sorts of crosses on them. Some crosses have Jesus on them and others I guess they are resurrection crosses because Jesus isn’t on them. I know you know I am joking but there is a real point I am trying to make. Jesus did not call us to boast in the cross, wear the cross but He did call us to bear His cross. We are to take it up daily. What does that mean? To bear the cross means to embrace an unpleasant situation or responsibility that you must accept because you cannot change it. In other words you will do what is right whether it is comfortable, popular or convenient because you honor God.
Jesus was teaching us self-denial and the way to salvation.
Galatians 2:20 (NKJV)” I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me…”
No my Dad may not be bigger than your dad; and no my brother may not be able to whip your brother, but my Savior came back from the dead and because He did I willing take up my cross daily. I choose to serve a risen Savior He’s in the world today. I know that He is living no matter what men say. I hope you enjoy this song today and may it be a reminder to take up your cross….He did.