I. Stanza 1 reminds us that time is filled with swift transition
Time is filled with swift transition,
Naught of earth unmoved can stand,
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Hold to God’s unchanging hand.
A. Our life is but a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away: Jas. 4:13-14
B. Nothing in this earth will stand unmoved because all eventually will pass away: 2 Pet. 3:10
C. However, there are some things which are eternal because they come from the eternal God: Deut. 33:27
II. Stanza 2 encourages us to trust in God no matter what happens in this uncertain life
Trust in Him who will not leave you,
Whatsoever years may bring,
If by earthly friends forsaken
Still more closely to Him cling.
A. We should always trust in the Lord: Ps. 37:3-5
B. We cannot always trust in men because sometimes we are by earthly friends forsaken: Ps. 41:9
C. But we can closely cling to God because He will never leave us or forsake us: Deut. 31:6
III. Stanza 3 admonishes us not to trust in the uncertain treasures of this life which pass away
Covet not this world’s vain riches
That so rapidly decay,
Seek to gain the heavenly treasures,
They will never pass away.
A. We should not covet the vain riches of this world: 1 Tim. 6:9-10
B. One reason is that they so rapidly decay: Jas. 5:1-3
C. Rather, we should seek the heavenly treasures which will never pass away: Matt. 6:19-20
IV. Stanza 4 tells us that there awaits the faithful a fair and bright home in glory
When your journey is completed,
If to God you have been true,
Fair and bright the home in glory
Your enraptured soul will view.
A. Our journey will be completed at death: Heb. 9:27
B. Certainly it should be our aim at that time to have been true or faithful to God: Rev. 2:10
C. Then we can look forward to a crown in that home in glory: 2 Tim. 4:6-8
CONCL.: The chorus exhorts us to keep on holding to God’s hand.
Hold (to His hand) to God’s unchanging hand,
Hold (to His hand) to God’s unchanging hand;
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Hold to God’s unchanging hand.
If, in this life, we will put our “little hands in His big hand” by following God’s revealed will in all things, then we can have the hope that in heaven we shall forever be able to “Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand.”
I am NOT endorsing this artist, this song or the words. It is the only You Tube Video I could find with the lyrics. I wanted the lyrics. God is speaking. Those of us that can hear Him, must speak for those that have no voice, or only hear the sound of silence.
I in no way am trying to frighten anyone. I am merely speaking what I heard, "When you can not see. When the lights go out. When there is no internet. When there is no cell phone. When you can not see me, just hold My hand and I will lead you. I am here. I will not leave you. Hold my hand." God is a good God. He will not leave us. We will be okay. Now, is not the time to be in fear, but perfect peace. We will know what to do. We will have what we need. We may not have all our wants--but we will have all we need.
Here is the link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJEA0RlVUsI
Here is a story of another song I think you would enjoy as well. https://hymnstudiesblog.wordpress.com/2014/05/21/hold-to-gods-unchanging-hand/
Again, it's the lyrics I want you to hear. Evidently, the word of the Lord was heard by Jennie Bain Wilson. (The lyrics to "Hold to God's Unchanging Hand" were written by Jennie Bain Wilson (1857 - ca. 1913); the music was written by Franklin L. Eiland (1860 - 1909).)
When you can not see, whether that is literally, figuratively or as aa metaphor, I am not sure. This I know. He will not let go. We need to hold to God's unchanging hand.
Until tomorrow, make a great day!