Hugging and watching Nemo on the couch, while trays of cookies bake in the oven, one daughter runs home to scrub her floor, the other daughter runs out for a quick appointment for work, my husband finally gets his shower, the littlest grandson runs over to me smiles, reaches for me and says, "What you doing guys?" He melts my heart. He wants in. He wants to be a part of the big mess. He wants to know he matters in the midst of the chaos. I scoop him up and set him beside me. Now, he's on one side of me and his big brother is on the other side. There are dishes in the sink. The dishwasher is running. The convection oven is baking one batch of cookies, while the oven is baking two more trays. I rehearse what my littlest grandson says, "What you doing guys?" His words carrying far more weight than his chubby little baby feet, just for a moment I hear God. "What you doing guys?" He wanted in too. He wanted me to know, He was there, in the midst of it all. He just wanted to be part of it all. God the creator of the universe just wanted to be with us. He wanted to hang out. Wanted to be close. He wanted family time too.