“I have finished the race” is the second clause of three within a passage written by the apostle Paul to Timothy: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”
Why do trained pastors and other highly educated Christian leaders fail? Why is it that even men and women who are very intelligent, great with people, and spiritually gifted often fail in their leadership? How could it be that a leader’s excellent training and superior giftedness are so often not enough to finish well?
1. Lack a Sovereign mindset. They don’t see and trust God at work in all their life situations, (in the field) even hard or bad things. They're not abandoning outcomes to God.
2. Haven’t developed a ministry philosophy. Leaders who don’t articulate and live out their God-given mission and values get diverted and become ineffective.
3. Don’t have a close mentor. Leaders will rise to the level of expectancy of their mentor — if they don’t have a caring and wise guide they won’t rise high. (Ruth and Naomi’s need each other)
4. Stop learning. Plateaued leaders neglect to develop and improve by reading, reflecting on their experiences, and seeking feedback from others.
If a leader has any of these weaknesses it leads to problems, especially in the pressures of ministry.
ACTION STEP: Trust God in your daily life. Speak out what you believe---have accountability. If you do not have a mentor, pastor or coach--GET ONE! Invest in yourself. Go now ro www.renaperozich.com Never stop learning. Be a lifetime student of the word and the 7 mountains of influence.
Have a great weekend.
I believe in you and you need to believe in yourself.