"Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you."
From the graph below you can see titles and sub-titles or groupings of areas that can be and many times are affected by experiencing trauma as a child. Every area deals with how we respond to life around us. The effects are often traumatizing themselves. Many of us try to hide all that is going on inside of us, instead of dealing with it. We are often surprised when once again like Whac-a-Mole the thing we fear exposing, pops it's head up once again. We realize we are acting like a petulant child, but it's as though we are standing beside ourself watching ourself but can't stop the performance. Any "Me too's" out there today?
The only real help for stopping this scenario from repeating itself is to stop and breathe, ground yourself and stop being driven. I once heard the Lord say this, "Satan drives-Jesus leads." When you feel driven to keep on talking, or controlling, or performing or whatever it is you do? Stop. Excuse yourself for a moment and go get a drink of water, a breath of fresh air or even a toilet break. Do something to bring yourself back into the present. Talk to yourself. Calm yourself down. You've got this. The Lord gives grace to the humble. So, call upon Him. He knows better than you and I do, what we have been through. He was there. He tells us in His Word He never leaves us or forsakes us. We will get through this, and each time we do--we get stronger.
Find a good coach, counselor or pastor that can walk you through the areas you can't see. It does no good to slap a blind man, and say, "Look, look," you know that wouldn't help them to see. Slapping a blind man would be unfair and mean. So, why do we slap ourselves? Why do we treat ourselves worse when we fail to act, or fail to say what we should? Be nice to yourself. You are your best investment. Treat yourself with the same respect you would treat others.
Until tomorrow...
I believe in you and you need to believe in yourself.
Register today for my fall intensive called, "Raising Kings-Women of Witness Intensive 2022 to be held at the Waterfront Marriott in Morgantown, WV 2505 September 1-3, 2022.
Click here to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2022-raising-kings-intensive-tickets-261936819077