"Good words are worth much , and cost little." George Herbert Words carry immeasurable significance. Someone can break our heart or make our day based on their words. The universe was created with a word; Jesus healed and cast out demons with a word; rulers have risen and fallen by their words; Christians have worshiped through words of song, confession, and preaching. Even in our technological age, politics, education, business, and relationships are built or are destroyed by spoken words. Even written words are powerful. I can be empowered by a note from a friend or reading my Bible. I can become troubled or sad by reading the headlines. Words carry weight. ACTION STEP: Today speak life. Today use your words to frame the world you want to live in. Write a friend a note. Pick up the Bible and read a passage. Get some words in you and let some words out of you. Allow the power of words to make your day and make today better for others.
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AuthorRena Perozich is a wife, mother, nonna, mentor, author, and encourager. Her life's purpose is to become all God has called her to be and to encourage others to do the same. Learn more. Categories |