We celebrate American Independence Day on the Fourth of July every year. We think of July 4, 1776, as a day that represents the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States of America as an independent nation.
Revelation 17:14 (KJV) "...the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful." If Jesus is returning the King of Kings, who are the Kings He is returning for? From the above scripture those that are going to be with Him, are called, chosen, and faithful. We all know that many are called (Matthew 22:14) but few are chosen. How are we chosen? Why doesn't everyone answer the call? Could it be they don't know enough to want to pay the price and make the sacrifices? Then when we talk about faithful does it mean we are to be faithful in all things, or a few things (Matthew 25:21). We must learn what we are to be faithful in and to whom.
The King of King is given the responsibility of making disciples and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to us. That's right you and I are responsible for beginning the process of duplicating ourselves in others. Our goal is when we see Jesus, we are to look just like Him. (1 John 3:2) Those that are faithful in little will be given more responsibility. With this being said, mark your calendars for October 12-14, 2017 for Raising Kings Intensive to be held at https://www.canaanresort.com/. This is a time for women from all walks of life and all faiths to come and be challenged, changed, and charged for the next season of life. For more information go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/remarkable-woman-fall-intensive-2017-tickets-35738136729 I look forward to meeting you there. If you are desiring to go deeper with God, be more equipped to be used by God then this is the investment you need to make in yourself. I always wanted to be a News Reporter. Really. We all have those dream jobs that we knew we could have when we grew up. Problem is many never get their dream job. But I propose today that many of you might have your dream job and not recognize it. You may even be right in the middle of job training. Don't give up! I began pursuing my dream in 1974 when I started at West Virginia University. My major was Journalism and Communication. I did great in all my classes except Biology and Chemistry, but I didn't want to be a Chemist or a Scientist. Then I met my husband and he wasn't keen on the idea of marrying a woman that carried a brief case and went around the world reporting the news. I had a dream but there was an unexpected detour. I married in 1977 just three years into my degree. Then three years later we began our family. I never thought my dream would be resurrected. But God. God had a plan and when I yielded to that plan God did all the rest. God is a God of Resurrections. When I made Christ the Lord and Master of my life He immediately took me to another country actually three countries to report the "Good News". God had given me the desire of my heart but in a very unexpected way. I never said I wanted to grow up and be a preacher or pastor or prophet or any of the titles or hats I wear. I just wanted to report the news. To be on TV and talk on a microphone to people. I had a dream but God had a plan. Most people think making Jesus Lord of their life means losing something they want, when in reality it means gain not loss. God creates us for a plan and a purpose. Interruptions are God's opportunities to do a miracle in which He gets all the glory. Mary and Martha sent for Jesus to come heal their brother. Before Jesus got there he was interrupted and in the mean time their brother died. But Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. There are no dead ends with God. Romans 8:28 (KJV) "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Never give up on your dreams! God is a dream keeper not a grim reaper.
I have been very busy with my "To do" list this Summer. One of the things I love to do and get to do more of in the Summer is read. I take a book everywhere I go. I tell all the ladies at Women of Witness to do the same. When you've got a little chunk of time, the traffic has stopped, the game ran over, your child's coach is keeping them late---yet again, "Do don't Stew". What I mean by this is grab that book out of your purse and make that time count. Do something constructive rather than sitting there and stewing on the situation can change your life a bite size piece at a time...and well you won't be the Gozella when the person gets in the car or you get home from sitting in traffic. We have all struggled with identity at one point in our life. We have wondered what am I to do? Who am I? Why did I act this way or behave in this manner? Right? Well in this book I am reading by bestselling author Craig Groeschel he helps his readers to understand they are not who they want to be, who they think they ought to be but, they are who God says they are. This is good news for all of us. Craig even goes on to tell us why we are the way we are. When we allow God to reign and rule in our lives we can be the true person God created us to be. There is a power we can tap in to that can allow us freedom to be who God called us to be, so we can do what Go ha called us to do.
Phillipians 4:13 tells us, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (KJV) I would encourage everyone to read this and then pass it on to a friend to read. We need to live a life free from labels and be who God created us to be. These next couple of months are "Summer Reading" at Women of Witness. Women of Witness is a non-denominational Womens Group I founded many years ago. We meet the 2nd Saturday of each month at Lakeview Resort and Spa in Morgantown, West Virginia at 10AM-noon. Take this as your invitation to join us. At each meeting I present "Tips To Better Yourself" and "Tips To Better your Relationships With Others". We also read a book every 3 months and discuss it openly at our meetings. In the summer I pick a novel or something fun and interesting. This summer's reading is "The Last Sin Eater" by Francine Rivers. She is a well known and loved author and we have read many books of her's in the past including "Redeeming Love" which is still a favorite among our members. So here is a bit about what we are reading and we hope you will join us July 8th at 10AM. www.remarkablewoman.org According to Wikipedia a sin-eater is a person who consumes a ritual meal in order to magically take on the sins of a person or household. Traditionally, the food was believed to absorb the sins of a recently deceased person, thus absolving that person's soul. Consequently, sin-eaters supposedly carried the sins of all people whose sins they "ate." When I finished reading this book that was very detailed of the 1800's I was very grateful for the day and time in which I live. I was also very thankful for all the missionaries that have traveled the world sharing the "Good News' of Jesus Christ; "the one who takes away the sins of the world". (John 1:29)
My heart breaks for those that do not know the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't want to ruin the book for you, but it is very sad to live without the knowledge of Jesus Christ. The lies the enemy tells us can keep us trapped and tormented. Only the truth can set us free. If you are looking for a great summer read pick this one up, or any book that Francine has written. You will enjoy them. Then pass them along to you friends. Who knows, God may use them to win your lost loved ones to Christ. We all know that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God. And since God is all-powerful and all-knowing, many Christians believe that Jesus was also omniscient like Him, which means He knows everything, including the future. But what most people don’t realize is that although He was divine, Jesus didn’t possess unlimited knowledge.
There were certain events in the Bible proving that Jesus’ human knowledge is limited. In the age of 12, Jesus was found in the temple listening to what was being taught by the teachers and asking them questions (Luke 2:46). He also had to learn obedience(Hebrews 5:8), grow in wisdom and stature (Luke 2:52), and rely on the Father in all things. Just like us, Jesus also had to learn everything that other people have to learn. There’s also one interesting story in the Bible showing the limited knowledge of Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Mark reveals that when Jesus was hungry and saw a fig tree, He went to it to see if perhaps He would find anything on it; but when He came to it, He found nothing but leaves, since it was not the season for figs (Mark 11:12-13). With these verses alone, we could confirm that Jesus’ knowledge is really limited. Because if he is truly filled in wisdom, why would He mistakenly expected the tree to have fruits? Jesus didn't know who touched the hem of his garment but he knew virtue went out of him...somebody touched him Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father making intercession for you and I. That means he is praying for us. He still doesn't know everything such as when he is returning. Jesus is waiting on the Father to tell him what and when. We are supposed to be like Jesus. We are all man/woman but divinity can now live on the inside of us. We can talk with God everyday. The Holy Spirit that Jesus sent went he returned to God can now live inside of each born-again believer. We are at a great advantage because of what Jesus did for us. We don't have to know everything either. We just have to know God! (Some of the information comes from Dave Anderson article on Listland. I could not find a website to paste here. If you can please reply in comment and I will pass it on to everyone. Thanks!) Psalms 34:8 "O taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!" As a little girl if I wanted to go to church anytime except Sunday I had to find my own way or walk. Walking wasn't bad because I always walked with my dog (Fannie). She was a collie and never minded where I wanted to take her. Finding my own way was a bit rougher but we had a party line and neighbors that went, that lived a mile away in both directions either of which couldn't tell a little girl they couldn't have a ride to church so, I spent a lot of time at church.
At church I got to play, eat and be treated special. The church still exist today, in fact it was still a Methodist church until a few weeks ago and it became a Muslim Church located on Cheat Road right before you get to the new Methodist Church they built up on the hill. We'd sing songs out of the red back hymnals and never say a word out loud. When they passed the plate around lots of people put in shiny change--I was one of them. I always thought God would like the shiniest ones. Sometimes I would put it all in if I was told to. Years have gone by quickly. I still remember the songs. I'd still walk to church with my dog (if I had a dog and if the church was close). Somethings change. But there are things that remain the same. I knew if I went to church everything would be alright. I knew I was safe in church. I knew they'd sing songs I knew and that made me feel good. People would smile at me. They usually gave us something to drink in that old stinky basement...and usually I got to make something. Church was predictable. Now today some fifty plus years later I am still in church. We still sing songs, we still put money in the offering, little ones still get to make something, and at our church it is still a safe place. It was in those formative years I learned to trust God. He always made a way for this little country girl to go to church. I never missed a VBS or failed to get my own little workbook that the teacher wrote my name on and passed out each Sunday. Even though the grown-ups never clapped after we sang for them on Sunday mornings, they would give me a sneaky smile or wink at me when we went off the platform. Yep, God could be trusted. He had those people pick me up. He had someone take this little girl to church and even give her some shiny coins. He had that teacher always have a book with my name on it. He took care of me even when I didn't know Him like I know Him today. He is a good God and no matter how old you are, you can trust Him. Psalm 24 (KJV) The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah. Adam lost the title to this world. Jesus took it back. We need to reinforce the "Great Exchange". Satan rules the systems of this world. The culture, the finances, politics, education, government, entertainment...belong to Satan because they are ruled by the God of this world who controls the fallen man.
We who are saved need to tell the world that God is greater and Jesus took back the authority that Adam lost. We can live free. Greater is He that is on us than he that is in the world. Seed time and harvest are going to continue because God said so. That could not happen if Satan still owned the world...but he doesn't. We have been given all authority. Today use your authority. Use the name of Jesus for it truly is the name above all names. 1 John 2:27 "As for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him." John 14:26 "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you." When the crowd asked what they should do, Peter urged them to turn their lives around and be baptized in the name of Jesus. Then they would be forgiven and would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:37-39). Acts reports that about 3,000 people were added to the church that day (Acts 2:41). Not a bad response to Peter’s first sermon! I am on a search for the Holy Spirit in His fullness. I want to know every facet of Him. I want to know Him so well that His thoughts are my thoughts. I encourage you to spend time in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Practice His presence. Ask the Holy Spirit question your commentary about what you read. He desires to be your best friend. He wants the best for you.
I have been sharing with you for a while now in this Blog about the Holy Spirit. I did a teaching on it Sunday June 4, 2017 if you want to hear it in our archives www.restorationchurchintl.org. I have taken highlights and put them in this daily Blog. However, yesterday at church the wind began to blow. A lady in our church got a Word from the Lord that He was starting to blow in our church at the same time, this was (after the service was over). The Praise Team went off into the Spirit and began playing and singing the song of the Lord. The wind came and the word came, and we had ourselves a church service, after the church service at ended. It was amazing. I was refreshed after a three day Revival and felt full of energy, and danced for the entire time. There is a Sight and a Sound of the Holy Spirit's presence and we are experiencing both. ![]() There was most definitely a manifestation of the Holy Spirit and it was one that was both in sound and sight. The roaring sound of the wind came first and prepared them for the filling of the Holy Spirit. The sound was an awakening and the fire was an arrival. God was often shown in fire * Moses saw God in the burning bush! * God led Israel with a pillar of fire * God was present at Mt. Sinai in fire * When Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal, God answered in fire * The lighting of the first altar of burnt offering * The coming of the Holy Spirit- Notice what happened when the Holy Spirit came down, each person was touched individually. The Spirit came upon both male and female, leaders and laymen and they all received the same Spirit. Each and every one was touched. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. What exactly is going on here? There was a unique problem here. But, the Holy Spirit comes to solve problems not create them. The Spirit brings clarity not confusion. The Spirit brings unity not division. There were Jews from every nation under heaven and the message of Christ needed to be communicated to every person present. This means that there were many different languages spoken by these people. When the disciples began to speak in tongues, what was the signifying factor? The people heard the sound of the Spirit coming into the Upper Room. They heard the Spirit the way they needed to hear it. The people were drawn to the place where the sound came from and then they heard the disciples speaking in their own language. The key to understanding the gift was there, in the presence of the Holy Spirit. The gift was about hearing not speaking. The gift of tongues is not about what a person is saying as much as it is about a person being able to be heard and hearing the Holy Spirit. It is important to notice that the sound of the Holy Spirit drew the people and the ability from the Holy Spirit enabled the message to be heard individually by each person. The Holy Spirit brings what is needed. The church across the world is in a desperate need for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We need to see the power of God poured into our midst. We need to see God doing what only He can do. We need to see God bring His solutions to our problems. We need to see God bring His strength and ability into the church. Pray for the Holy Spirit to begin to move in your life personally and in your church corporately. He desires to do what He was sent here to do all He needs is our cooperation! |
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AuthorRena Perozich is a wife, mother, nonna, mentor, author, and encourager. Her life's purpose is to become all God has called her to be and to encourage others to do the same. Learn more. Categories |