Jesus wasn't concerned with comfort. Nothing about His life was comfortable. Everything about His life was concerned with the commitment He had made with His Father concerning you and me.
Matthew 4:4 NIV "Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." It's easy to start a fast, it's much harder to stay committed to the fast. Easy to start to exercise, but harder to keep up the trips to the gym when you're sore or sleepy. Easy to plan the wedding but harder to stay married. Why? We are more concerned with our comfort than we are with our commitment. Jesus wasn't concerned with comfort. Nothing about His life was comfortable. Everything about His life was concerned with the commitment He had made with His Father concerning you and me. Luke 22:42 (KJV) "Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." Today's challenge is to do what you are committed to do not what's comfortable. In the long run it may determine where we spend eternity.
Matthew 6:8 (KJV) "8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. I have noticed that when people really love you they anticipate your needs. They seem to know ahead of time what you need before you do. I have a friend that thought to buy cards for all occasions and put them into a bag and had it slid into the back of my passenger seat. That bag has been an immense help and even a "lifesaver". I have even had the opportunity to share the blessing with others and surprise my husband.
Now if we human beings can think ahead to do something as minor as cards, can you fathom what God can do! He knows what we need even before we think of it. However the Lord works with the seed we sow, as in seed time and harvest. Genesis 8:22 NIV "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." As a Shepherd I look ahead to see the areas of need that the flock I pasture have. I watch my grandsons and anticipate when they are thirsty and when they need a nap. I look ahead to purchase Christmas and Birthday gifts so as to be a good steward and to find just the right item. I look ahead to the needs of my husband. When I think about Father God and all He has done for me I am overwhelmed by His goodness. He is all powerful and whatever it is you need (I'm not talking wants) He will provide. Today be brave. Ask big. Expect big. And most importantly give God something to work with...a seed. ![]() The devil wanted to kill the Jews and in doing so would have killed Esther's uncle Mordecai, who raised her. He was her spiritual father as well. Her obedience saved his life, the life of her people, as well as her own life. (Butterfly effect is a great read by the way.) Esther chose to identify with her spiritual dad and her people, what a great woman. She chose not to self-preserve but preserve her nation. Who we choose to identify with truly matters. Do you sit at the table with people who are constantly talking about what they like and dislike? Or are you sitting at the table with people who are going without what they want so others can get what they need? See that is "Purpose over Preference". The father defined her situation and she listened. Regardless of our age we need a spiritual father in our life. We can have many teachers but few fathers. Esther 4:12-14 "12 So Hathach gave Esther’s message to Mordecai. 13 This was Mordecai’s reply to Esther: “Do you think you will escape there in the palace when all other Jews are killed? 14 If you keep quiet at a time like this, God will deliver the Jews from some other source, but you and your relatives will die; what’s more, who can say but that God has brought you into the palace for just such a time as this?” A king's heart can be covered with rage like King David’s was, but a wise woman can bring the best out of the king. That is exactly what Abigail did. She took care of others by speaking to the King, then God took care of her foolish husband. (Read 1 Samuel 25 for the entire story) Process is not always pretty but it is profitable. Joseph was processed. Daniel was processed. God positioned them like He did Esther. He will position you. We can be afflicted in Potiphar’s house and still rise to the palace. We can be afflicted in the desert and still be a deliverer. God has a leadership program. His program grooms our character so we can be promoted. Relating to the King of Hearts is a character thing not a gender thing. It makes no difference if you are male or female, what matters is are you willing to put God's purposes over your preferences? If so, you too will win the King of Hearts favor. Most of the time I highly dislike getting up in the morning. It's somewhat been that way my entire life. I get this little extra wind of an early evening and then push too hard and stay up too late at night. My mother use to hand me a cup of Cocoa Wheats to drink on my way out the door. I guess you could say she was my "first" experience at what we now call Starbucks. She got me going. Nowadays, I feel like a ball in a pinball machine as I make my way down the steps and into the kitchen to make my first cup of the morning. This got me thinking. Getting out of a nice warm bed, a quiet room, to go get ready for your day that can begin with anything you want to drink is not some 7 Mile Run. It is not even comparable to the Via dolorosa. I am not waking to the sound of war or an earthquake. Sometimes you need to get yourself in order and shake yourself up a bit and give yourself a reality check.
Some people in the world don't even have a bed. Take that further and many do not even have a home or a blanket. So while I'm complaining (silently) that I want to stay in bed rather than get up, read my Bible, write my Blog, make the bed, get a shower and get dressed? Really? So today things change. No, I am not going to get a dog, though I want one. I would have to get up and go let the dog out and get some fresh air and... so no. But I am going to hit the floor with more joy for all that I have. No one knows what tomorrow may hold or even what country we may be in. Yes, I tell God "Good morning", but you all know what I'm talking about. It is my inner attitude. My heart condition that God is looking at. If I wake up singing but the song is from He Haw -Gloom Despair and Agony on me, the Lord knows! So today, Lord help me to renew my mind to the things of God. Create in me a grateful heart O God. Let the joy of the Lord overflow in my life to the lives of others. Psalm 9:1 NIV "1 I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds." Where are those that step in when everyone else steps out? Where are the men that treat the orphans and abandoned women and children as their own? I'm talking about men that do for others what others need, rather than take from others what they want? Esther 2:7 tells us Mordecai raised Esther as his own daughter. Mordecai's name means warrior, follower, and worshiper. Something powerful happens when you are raised by a follower of God. Someone who knows how to wage spiritual war against the enemy of the children of God and who knows how to worship the King of all kings. He watched out for her. He took care of her instead of taking from her. He nurtured, taught, and instructed her. In Esther chapter 2 verse 11 it says he went everyday to check on her…to see what would become of her. Because she had learned to trust Mordecai, she trusted Hegai the King's Eunich in charge of the young virgins. Hegai's name means suitable, fit, and worthy. He helped her to dress and be suitable for the king. There is a great need for the Esther's to arise but as they do and as they take their place there needs to be men that can be trusted to instruct, guide, protect and care for them. Women are to be a help meet. We are to help meet whatever needs that might arise. However, where are the Mordecai's that call for us? Where are those that give us instruction that we can follow because we know they love us?
Ask God who are you submitted to? Do they have your best interest? Please re-post and pray for the men in your life. Pray for your sons. Pray for your brothers. It is time. You are stronger than you can imagine. Inside of you is such great power, yet many of us never tap into what God has not just for us but for others. The attacks from our enemy are not just about us but about all the lives we will touch in our lifetime. The war is real. The consequences are severe at least. It is time for the warrior generation to arise. As I prepare for the 5-Fold Arsenal School this weekend I am seeing and hearing more clearly than I ever have. God is assembling together a great people. Perfect? No. But they are His and He is theirs. 2 Corinthians 12:9-11 Living Bible (TLB)9 Each time he said, “No. But I am with you; that is all you need. My power shows up best in weak people.” Now I am glad to boast about how weak I am; I am glad to be a living demonstration of Christ’s power, instead of showing off my own power and abilities. 10 Since I know it is all for Christ’s good, I am quite happy about “the thorn,” and about insults and hardships, persecutions and difficulties; for when I am weak, then I am strong—the less I have, the more I depend on him. The only way you will truly know your strength is for it to be tested. Go ahead and amaze yourself because God is an amazing God and He desires to shine through you. Get out of the way. Let God be God and you be you. All He needs is a submitted vessel He can work through and He chose you.
Evangelism requires someone to tell another one the truth. (Thy word is truth) God’s word brings about conviction and gives the Holy Spirit something to work with. How can they hear without a preacher? (Romans 10 ) So someone has to be willing to do that. Real Evangelism stirs up a religious spirit because it says one has to be right with God. John the Baptist was almost a friend of sinners cause he told them the truth. He hung out with them so he could minister to them. His messages brought great conviction and controversy. The same way Steven was stoned because of the conviction he brought to religious people…John was imprisoned by the heathen for the convictions he brought. It is no different today in N. Korea and a lot of the middle east are still imprisoned today. In America we have avoided the black and whiteness of the gospel to entertain itchy ears but in doing so we have lost the power. There really is a Heaven to gain and a hell to shun. This is a little different blog than usual. So if you are a first time reader I pray you will read again tomorrow. But for today I pray that you know Jesus or you will have an encounter with Him. If you need help doing that you may contact me here with a reply. I will help you.
God has Purpose in mind not your Preference! The extra miles the Israelite's took those 40 years weren’t for their punishment they were His provision for them so that their character could be formed, so they could learn faith, trust and obedience. God's way doesn't always seem like the best way — that is, if you define the best way as the shortest, most comfortable, most convenient way. Many times God's way is none of those things. Instead of leading you the short way to what you want, God will often lead you the long way to what you need. It may not be the easiest, but it will be the most purposeful.
The way of disobedience to the King will lead us out of the will of God, away from our purpose and remove us from our position. I take this message from the book of Esther. She became the Queen of the most powerful king of the times who ruled over 127 Provinces from India to Ethiopia. Her husband the King had big influence and was a trend setter of his time. Today he would have been likened to the President of the US and his wife would have been likened to the First Lady so we know she still has influence. The King is celebrating, I mean really celebrating. The party lasted 6 months. His wife the queen gets to have her own party then he calls for her and she refuses the King. But if you refuse the King you lose your position, authority, influence, money….. all the good stuff… all the God stuff. She was to set the model of correct behavior for all the other females, wives, young and old, leaders and eventually the 127 provinces. So will the King. For whatever He tolerates He endorses. Numbers 30:6-8 (NIV) “If she marries after she makes a vow or after her lips utter a rash promise by which she obligates herself 7 and her husband hears about it but says nothing to her, then her vows or the pledges by which she obligated herself will stand. 8 But if her husband forbids her when he hears about it, he nullifies the vow that obligates her or the rash promise by which she obligates herself, and the Lord will release her." We can see then from the Biblical Pattern that the King has authority over his wife in the Kingdom. Don’t shut me down now because you haven’t heard the end of the message. If a Queen has bad character she will use other means to get her way:
She escalated to full throttle which was a pure sign of arrogance. This public display required a public decree. Instead of being thankful she was the Queen of a great man of influence. She defied Him in public. If it hadn’t been His wife He could have had her publically executed. Actually had her head cut off…. but having loved her and been married to her made things complicated….. However it was a "Pace Setting" situation that had to be dealt with or it could have ruined the Kingdom. So the King had to do what was necessary for the Kingdom. So we see in Chapter 2, He cut off her influence. She was no longer allowed in His presence. Disobedience is not worth being cut off from the King. Obedience brings the blessing even if it’s not your personal preference for it can preserve your character and thereby insure you fulfill your purpose. The story of Esther starts out like a steamy Soap Opera. The King has a party that last six months. The Queen whose name is Vashti has her own party for six months. Now how it took that long for the king to finally be full of drink and call for the Queen I don't know but that's what it say's in Esther chapter 1. Then you can almost see her head roll when she tells the King, "Nope, not coming to your party!" Really? He is the King. He calls for His Queen. She's been partying with the girls for six months and she's going to tell the King, "No!?" Well her disobedience made room for Esther's promotion. God will get His will done. If one person refuses to do what He calls them to do He will call forth another. That is exactly what the king did. Esther's name means star. Stars shine the brightest when it is the darkest. Vashti's name means beauty and we all know beauty fades. And so it was with our story we read in the Bible from the book of Esther.
Esther a young orphan girl is raised as a daughter by her uncle Mordecai. Mordecai's name means Warrior and Worshiper. When you are raised by a warrior and a worshiper it changes you. Regardless of the reason people stepped out of your life, regardless of the reason others perhaps even stepped on you, God will send a worshiping warrior to train you to arise and find your purpose and cause you to chose His purpose over your pfeference. We are all orphans, but God calls us Royalty. He chooses to to call "Royalty to the Rescue". That is exactly what Esther did. She rose up like the one who trained her and saved her nation. What about you? Who is training you? Who are you being loyal and obedient to? Who are you trusting to train you to go before the King? Most of us if we will be honest have our preferences. There is nothing wrong with having preferences. I prefer to wear black over every other color. I prefer to stay up late and sleep until 7:30 AM. That's what my flesh tells me to do. However there is a higher form of life. There is a life above preference that pulls out of us and brings us to the forefront in others more than what is humanly natural; it pulls front and forward the supernatural. There is a way that seems right to man but in the end it is death. I may not have quoted it perfectly but I tell myself that statement everyday. I need the power of others in my life to make the best decisions and be the best me. Esther needed a Mordecai, Moses needed a Pharaoh if only for a little while in order to be trained, Joseph had to spend some time in a place after the pit to get some training he would have missed hanging out with those brothers of his. Who is sitting at your table? Who are you allowing to direct your decisions? May I suggest that you allow someone whose name alone means warrior and worshiper. May I suggest you allow those that step in when everyone else steps out or steps on to make sure things go well with you from the other side of the gate. Purpose for our lives is what Jesus purchased for us. Preference is what got us in trouble in the garden in the first place. Preference is what others can observe about you. Purpose is what God put in you. Preference is what you would pick for yourself. Purpose is what you must allow God to chose for you.
So today who is going to get their way? You or God? The choice is always yours. |
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AuthorRena Perozich is a wife, mother, nonna, mentor, author, and encourager. Her life's purpose is to become all God has called her to be and to encourage others to do the same. Learn more. Categories |