No one wants to eat until someone says the word, "Lunch." Then everyone is hungry. Or just watch a group of people watching TV and then the commercial comes on for Nachos and in a few minutes someone will say, "Is anyone wanting something to munch on?" No one wore a certain Logo on their T-shirt but now everyone has to have one. Tennis shoes, Running shoes, Blue jeans, Perfume, Jewelry, Cars, Trucks, you name it, get a few people to buy in and talk about it and sales go up.
Watch two or more little children at play. There is always the one toy every child wants, it's the same one they have at home that they won't play with there. Change the dynamics and the situation changes.
People will want the revelation, the peace and the fruit of the Spirit that you have and display when they see it. I know it's a challenge but trust me on this one, it works. Start sharing what you read in your time with the Lord with your friends. Start bragging on the good things your mate does instead of complaining about all the negative things you don't like. If it doesn't work, well go back to what you were doing before.
Be the one to complement others on their home, the cleanliness of their car, the behavior of their children, the way they talk about their spouse, the shoes they wear. Try not to compete or compare but to complement and to find your own style and value. We can start a new trend and begin a new culture.