The roaring sound of the wind came first and prepared them for the filling of the Holy Spirit.
The sound was an awakening and the fire was an arrival.
God was often shown in fire * Moses saw God in the burning bush! * God led Israel with a pillar of fire * God was present at Mt. Sinai in fire * When Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal, God answered in fire * The lighting of the first altar of burnt offering * The coming of the Holy Spirit- Notice what happened when the Holy Spirit came down, each person was touched individually. The Spirit came upon both male and female, leaders and laymen and they all received the same Spirit. Each and every one was touched.
When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. What exactly is going on here?
There was a unique problem here.
But, the Holy Spirit comes to solve problems not create them.
The Spirit brings clarity not confusion.
The Spirit brings unity not division.
There were Jews from every nation under heaven and the message of Christ needed to be communicated to every person present. This means that there were many different languages spoken by these people. When the disciples began to speak in tongues, what was the signifying factor? The people heard the sound of the Spirit coming into the Upper Room. They heard the Spirit the way they needed to hear it.
The people were drawn to the place where the sound came from and then they heard the disciples speaking in their own language. The key to understanding the gift was there, in the presence of the Holy Spirit.
The gift was about hearing not speaking.
The gift of tongues is not about what a person is saying as much as it is about a person being able to be heard and hearing the Holy Spirit.
It is important to notice that the sound of the Holy Spirit drew the people and the ability from the Holy Spirit enabled the message to be heard individually by each person. The Holy Spirit brings what is needed.
The church across the world is in a desperate need for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We need to see the power of God poured into our midst. We need to see God doing what only He can do. We need to see God bring His solutions to our problems. We need to see God bring His strength and ability into the church.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to begin to move in your life personally and in your church corporately. He desires to do what He was sent here to do all He needs is our cooperation!