When Christ spoke to the fig tree, it didn’t look like anything had taken place. The next day, however, they saw the fig tree dried up from its roots. What happened? When He spoke to the fig tree where did the Word go? The answer is the Word entered the future.
This should encourage you because there are times when we don’t see anything happening. It doesn’t matter because we are fixed in our faith that understands the seed of that rhema word is fast at work doing what it is called to do. And, like the disciples the day will come when we say, “Master, behold the seed of your Word has produced a great harvest.”
What a great lesson this was for the disciples. They learned three power laws of the Kingdom of God.
- They learned the seed knows what to do even when they don’t.
- They learned the seed has dominion authority in this earthly realm.
- And they discovered the seed enters the future waiting for their arrival.
All next week we will kook at the "Law of Beginnings".