"Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,"
Few people understand how important knowledge can be. Knowledge is what allows us to drive cars instead of ride horses, it is what helps us survive far longer than we should, and knowledge is even what prevents us from making the same mistakes we made in the past.
Columbus was on his fourth voyage in 1504. His ships were grounded in St. Ann's Bay in Jamaica, and the natives revolted and refused to supply the Spaniard with food.
There seemed to be no way of escaping the agonies of starvation. Columbus was looking at the almanac, and he learned that a total lunar eclipse was coming.
On the evening it was due he called for the natives to assemble and told them that unless they repented and helped them God would blot out the moon, the sun, and the stars, in that order. He pointed to the moon which had already begun to darken.
The natives were terrified and begged Columbus to intercede for them. Delivering food was resumed at once, and Columbus promised that disaster would be averted. The darkness passed, and nothing happened, of course, and the natives never revolted again.
Here is an example of the power of knowledge.
Because Columbus understood the workings of God's creation, he was able to save his life and the lives of his men. Knowledge enabled him to dominate and manipulate the natives who were ignorant and superstitious. The weak are almost always weak because of ignorance, and the strong are almost always strong because of superior knowledge. This is supported by Scripture, reason, history, and experience. (Solomon cut baby in half-1 Kings 3:16-28….tell story 2 prostitutes “They saw he had wisdom from God to make right decisions” The knowledge he required was necessary to apply the wisdom of God to and make wrong right.
The Christian is not for the prevention of the knowledge of creation, but for the promotion of the knowledge of the Creator.
The program below starts at 1:10. If the video does not show up below watch in your Browser or click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWXMblczrPE
I believe in you and you need to believe in yourself.