The 50th chapter of Genesis is a summary of a “Bad News-Good News” story. Joseph was a man who learned that if you stay true to God, no matter what happens in your life, bad news will turn to good news.
Joseph knew the meaning of Paul’s statement:
Romans 8:28: “All things work together for good to those who love God, who have been called according to His purpose.”
Horatio Alger was a great author. In his books he always told about some poor boy that was honest and dedicated and hard-working. Many troubles came to the boy but because of his many fine character traits, he won out and became rich and happy and useful. But the true story in God’s Word about Joseph is far superior to all of Alger’s stories. And the greatest thing about the story of Joseph is that it is not fictional, but pure truth. He went down as low as any man could go but he came back to as high a position as any man could rise.
He went from suffering to success, from rags to riches, from a prison to a palace, from indignity to influence, from slavery to sainthood. All this came about because he was faithful to God; he loved Him with all of his heart. And as is always the case, God rewarded him for it.
Those who leave everything in God’s hand will eventually see God’s hand in everything.