Baggage we all have them. We can sometimes think we identify our baggage only to find someone else come up to the conveyor belt of life’s baggage at the airport and pick up our bag. They do a quick check at the tag and sure enough it’s their bag. We are not alone at carrying baggage. At a recent conference I found we all have baggage and many of us carry the same baggage. One bag so many of us carry is rejection; another common bag is low self-esteem. Still we may recognize pride and shame because we too have been weighed down by those bags. Some of us decorate our bags. We put fancy tags on our bags. We stuff it full of things to entertain us and feed us—and yes, even cover us up. It’s great when someone comes along and asks if they can help with our baggage but it much better when we can get rid of the baggage all together.
At home I don’t need to carry my baggage. At home I usually unload my bags and stick those suitcases in a closet until the next time I have to go somewhere. Then I go to the closet get out the bag and start stuffing it again. Our hearts can be like that. When we are in a safe place we function without all the baggage but when challenged to go to a new territory or a place we’ve never been, we grab the baggage again. The “They won’t like me bag”, “The I can’t do this bag”, and even the “I doubt God” bag.
While on at an airport lately a really big man got my bag down for me because it was too heavy. Then he even asks if he could help me with it. People in life can help us carry our baggage but only God can deliver us from them.