I love today's message and I pray that it will help us all to be better friends.
All this servant and sacrifice talk sets the stage for the section of his letter that we just read where Paul talks about his friends, Timothy and Epaphroditus. These are wonderful verses tucked away inside his letter that remind us that Paul was not writing some kind of theological dissertation. This is a letter; a letter from a friend to a group of friends. From a very real person with real problems, feelings and character, to a real group of people with their own unique character and issues.
We know that when Paul wrote this letter, he was in prison. But we don’t know exactly where. Our best guess is that he was in Caesarea. Other scholars suggest that he was in Ephesus . Though we don’t know where he is, we do know that he is in a bad situation. He is far from his home. Far from his friends. Unable to carry out the calling that he is so passionate about, which is to share the message of Jesus with whoever he can, wherever he can. And in this prison, he feels an incredible sense of distance from his friends in Philippi , people that he cares deeply about.
But he has not been completely alone. Things are not all bad. What makes this section so meaningful is the impression that two of his very good friends, Timothy and Epaphroditus have been around. And what we see in these verses is how they have served as connecting points between him and the church in Philippi. They have blessed him as friends right there, in prison. But they have also been a link between him and his faraway friends.
We see this in the way that Paul speaks about Timothy. In verse 19, Paul talks about how he hopes to send Timothy to them as soon as possible. You’ll notice that in his description of Timothy, the servant theme comes right to the front again. Listen to how he talks about Timothy in verses 20-23:
"I have no one else like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare. For everyone looks out for his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. But you know that Timothy has proved himself, because as a son with his father he has served with me in the work of the gospel. I hope, therefore, to send him as soon as I see how things go with me."
One of the important pieces of background information that his helpful to know about the letter to the Philippians is that one of the issues that the Philippian church was struggling with was over bad teaching by self-focused teachers. There were people at work in the community who were trying to gain power and authority over everyone and were willing to talk down Paul in order to get what they wanted.
His response to the leadership crisis in Philippi is to send two of his friends to them to address the situation. In these two friends we see the ingredients of true community.
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Look up all the scriptures you can find on friends, friendship, having friends, being a friend and then, will to do the word of God and be a friend.
I believe in you and you need to believe in yourself.