I learned that when children have something to do with their hands (play dough) they talk a lot—about a lot of things. A little boy was putting play dough on a plastic knife. It looked like a pretzel stick covered in chocolate and nuts. When I said that looks like a pretzel on a stick he piped up and said, “It’s a knife.” He meant no disrespect and didn’t give his correcting me a second thought. He wanted to set the subject straight and that he did very well. Here’s what I learned—children speak the truth without and caution, or agenda…just the facts. They mean what they say and just say it. I wish grown-ups were like that.
Matthew 18:3 (BEV) “And said, Truly, I say to you, If you do not have a change of heart and become like little children, you will not go into the kingdom of heaven.”
After the time at the play dough table it was time to get active. I wondered why this teacher hadn’t done the lesson yet. I watched them play the color game. Find something blue. When you find it--touch it. Everyone runs, jumps, follow, leads, copies the other person and then finally settles into who and what they want to be. Once they knew how the game was played they settled down and instead of watching the other children—they became relaxed and looked for the color blue and everyone found something different. They were individuals. It was a metamorphous right in front of my eyes. I learned when we are insecure we try to be like others, or we become prideful or competitive, but when we are secure—we are free to be individuals.
Finally it was time for the lesson. Coffee a filters, clothes pins and furry balls, glue and eye balls and put it together and you got a beautiful butterfly…well at least I think so. While the glue is drying we all got a snack. It was a great day. Oh, and the lesson was about butterfly’s. So while the teacher told everyone about how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly with the help of a little boy who already knew the whole story, the entire class was hanging on the teachers every word. The teacher ended by tying it all into our new birth experience as Christians. So she asked, “So what do we become we ask Jesus into our hearts and become born again?” A little red haired boy raised his hand and said, “New humans.”
Yep, I learned a lot today. We are new humans. I hope you like the butterfly picture.
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV) “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”