Cleansing is not always a comfortable process. Oh we love the results but the time between can be downright painful. By now you have probably guessed I am not just referring to house cleaning or cleaning our car. I am sharing on cleansing our bodies. I’d like to say it was as easy as hopping in the shower and sure that’d be cleaning the outside of the body but what of the inside of the body? Do you know what is used? Salt. Interesting I know. This was probably the saltiest drink I’ve ever drank. It was at least two hours later before I began to truly experience the effects of that salty solution. This little 5 oz. drink literally moved everything that was in me out of me. That’s when it hit me; salt (what God calls you and me) is a powerful element to remove the garbage from people’s lives. The salt did what it was supposed to do. It didn’t matter how my body felt about it, once the salt was ingested into my body there was no turning back. I couldn’t return to my previous condition. I was changed. At times the process was painful. At times I felt like my entire body was on fire. Still at other times I felt like life itself was escaping me. I felt faint and weak.
Do we realize how potent of a substance God compares us to? It is not just something that flavors food. It is not just something that preserves meats. It is a cleansing agent. Years ago they used to rub newborns down to clean them after birth. Salt can melt snow and the hardest hearts.
Matthew 5:13 (NIV) ""You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot."
Bottom line was after the process of cleansing prayerfully the doctor will see a clean and healthy colon. I will get a clean bill of health and life will go on. I however will be forever reminded each time I see a salt shaker that a little of this white stuff can’t do much except maybe increase blood pressure—but a lot of this stuff can do some real renovating.
I pray you enjoy your day much more than I enjoyed mine. May you get some real wisdom from my sharing my real life experiences.