Zechariah 4:10 (NLT) “10 Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.”
Share on my Blog page your “One Word” for 2016. My “One Word” is going to be (EARLY). I will share why on January 1st. What would you like to read about this year? Would you like a Daily Bible Reading each day? A podcasts?
Many times I share from my personal experiences, what I have read and what the Lord is sharing with me. As I cross this finish line I take a deep breath as the ribbon brushes across my chest and I shout a big, “Thank you Jesus.” While I write you are on my mind. It is my desire to encourage you and build you up to continue to pursue your finish line. What ribbon do you want to break through this year? Will it be cancer, a new baby, an Olympic Gold Medal, a marriage license, adoption papers…?
RPM Daily will get you up and running. I appreciate your prayers it truly fuels my tank. I am grateful for every comment, every repost, and every share. You are worth every late night, early morning and “Oh my God I almost forgot” and is this right Time Zone? You have been with me from West Virginia to Dallas Texas, to Hawaii, Florida to South Carolina and I will take you with me to Croatia and wherever the Lord will lead. So buckle up and let’s prepare to “be ready” not “get ready” in 2016.