Widen your mouth and I will fill it.”
(Psalm 81:10).
However, it has double meaning. First, the disciples obeyed Jesus. They did what was impossible. Obedience to Jesus make the impossible--possible. Secondly, the disciples fished all night and caught nothing. But, Jesus asks them to do something in their weakness. Can you image being left-handed or right-handed and fishing your entire life a certain way. Then, long comes a guy and tells you to do everything the opposite the way you've always done things. Cast your net on the other side. If you are right handed then your left hand is much weaker. "Why do something in my weakness?" "Why do something foreign that I have never done before?" Because in our weakness Christ is strong. Jesus wants to show His strength on our behalf. Just obey me and watch what I can do with your life.
Perhaps, they'd been doing something wrong? He wanted to "Right" that. What is the "right" thing to do in your life? Right now? Is there something you've been doing one way that needs changed? Do you need to do the opposite of what you've been doing?