The word child here in NT Greek is paidiothen and means 'from infancy', meaning the child may have very well been born with the spirit. Literally translated, the father was saying that his son had this spirit from infancy.
I usually tell the parents to pray after me and lay hands on their child. I warn them not to be concerned that their child would cry, stiffen, fight or start coughing or hitting or a number of other manifestations. I do not scream at the child as this will only frighten the child. We need not raise our voices but speak in the authority of Jesus.
I believe in deliverance. I have seen it with my own eyes. I have been around to see the child completely change and parents finally having peace. All this month I am teaching on "The Power of Parenting." Each Wednesday night at 7PM I am looking at the How's, What's and Why's of teaching and praying for our children. At the end of the series we will make the CD set available through our Bookstore at
Action Step: Let those with children know about this class that ends the last Wednesday night of July. Encourage them to bring their children. It is also VBS for children during our evening services so the child can learn about Jesus. Come and learn how to discipline with love, stop whining and rebellious behaviors. To change a child is to change a life forever.