Our Anchor is within the veil! Our hope as a chain is linked to the Anchor, Christ and His work on the Cross. Jesus offered himself as the Sacrifice for all sin and declared that He completed His mission with “It is finished.” Now He sits at the right hand of God forever. We may rest in His finished work and His Resurrection. It leaves no room for doubt.
The scripture tells us that Jesus has gone within the veil as the Forerunner. He’s gone where we may follow in confidence. Our Lord Jesus, by His intercession, is drawing us to Heaven and we have only to wait a little while. Our anchor is being drawn back to the Flagship!
My cable has grown shorter over time and through tribulations. I’m nearer to my hope than when I first believed. A few more weeks or months or years and we’ll all be gathered above!
I know in my heart that some of you are longing for this Anchor. Hope seems illusive. John 16:33 says, “…In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. There is a storm brewing! Have you noticed a change in the wind? How will you survive? Flee for refuge to the hope set before you!
Remember it is human nature to naturally drift away toward the seemingly urgent. Distractions and diversions will take anyone off course, and out of the shipping lane. Take this opportunity to make a course correction and set your compass on True North.
As you begin your new journey, consider that Jesus Christ died for all sin and makes all things new. “He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.” Micah 4:19
Today I personally exhort you with all my heart, to get on course with Jesus Christ as the Anchor of your soul. If you don’t have a dock to tie your ship off to, I invite you to join our fellowship at Restoration Church International located at 2198 Blue Horizon Drive in Morgantown, West Virginia. Resurrection Sunday is on April 21st. We have two service times, 9am and 1045am. I look forward to seeing you Sunday.