We also as people find ourselves in situations where we may need an alignment. It is not that we are bad people but the pot holes and the simple wear and tear of use causes us to need adjusted. Just like the car pulls to the left or the right, we are also pulled by temptation, apathy, resentment and a vast plethora of emotions and feelings. If we sat in the garage like a car never used we probably wouldn't need much adjustment, however we would not accomplish much either. We live our life on the road not in the garage so we need maintenance which brings us to the place where we need to align our lives scripturally.
There are proper steps to doing an alignment on our cars and we can read in the word of God the proper steps to align our lives. Number one in the process of alignment is to have the right relationship with God. When we are aligned properly with God we have confidence that He will be with us in times of trouble. Other important relationships are your pastor, your spouse, your immediate family and others that have authority in your life such as bosses, teachers, police and other governing authorities. Being in right standing with these relationships causes us to be able to navigate the highway of life successfully. The word of God clearly describes the benefits of this lifestyle and the boundaries and the consequences of an unaligned life. Always remember God has plans for you for good. (Jer.29:11)
Have a daily maintenance schedule of prayer (which is time spent with God), read His word to adjust your thoughts. Thank God for the relationships with the people He has given you. Time spent with God, the word of God and the relationships with people are all God's grooming tools to set you up for a life of success and a lifetime of enjoying the drive we call life.
John 3:20-22 (NIV) "…20in whatever our heart condemns us; for God is greater than our heart and knows all things. 21Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God;22and whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight.…"