God always has a purpose for whatever He does, and if He reveals something to us, we can be assured that He does so for our own good. Only a foolish man would ignore what the infinite wisdom of God that He chooses to reveal.
We can hardly widen our mouths for God to fill it, if we have neglected our time of prayer with Him. This year write with your pen as well as your mouth. Write your dreams down. Then, get a good book and the Bible and begin to interpret your dream. Say what you have been shown. Either pray it into existence or pray that God will intercede and it will not occur. Open your mouth and say what you desire in your heart. God put those desires there, if they are Godly; and if they are not godly, root them out and cast them down.
Many people are more anxious than necessary about the times we live in. We are called to rest in Christ’s peace, no matter how dark the days grow. Do we not have His confidence that as sin abounds Grace abounds more? Does not Our Lord give us the gift of prophecy that we might know what is to come and so, prepare for it with all faith and conviction? (John 14.29). Yes, we do and we can, by opening our mouths.
As Christ’s Apostles in the earth, we each carry his authority as priest, prophet and king, to transform and take dominion of the world around us, as it is in Heaven. Jesus is returning the King of kings and we need to open our mouths and exercise our authority and kingship here on earth as it is in Heaven.
Jonathan Edwards