"I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting."
James 4:17 KJV
"Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."
So, as this You Tube for you this morning shares (Click here and then come back if video does not show up below: https://youtu.be/mjVNSO8JFqY )
Sometimes, as the "Framily" of God we fight the wrong enemy. Just like my Hummingbirds we fight one another, when in reality there is plenty of God's blessings to go around. If we lack anything we are to ask in His (Jesus's) name and He will go to the Father for us. He (God) hears our prayers. He answers our prayers if we pray according to His will. So, we find out what His will is by reading His Word, and we pray that.
I'm not God but if the feeders are empty I fill them. Why? Because I love my Hummingbirds--how much more the Father loves and cares for us. Go ahead--just ask Him. He loves you.
Monday, I got stung by a bee. It hurt and it left it's mark. A small reminder that what those hummingbirds fail to fight can hurt them. The true enemy of our lives is in our face daily, and if we all banded together we could make a huge difference in the world.
Quit fighting one another and start fighting the real enemy.
I believe in you and you need to believe in yourself.