"By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden three months by his parents, because they saw he was a beautiful child; and they were not afraid of the king’s command."
Few women have had to raise a family in more difficult circumstances. The fact that a Moses, a Miriam, and an Aaron could come from a slave hut on the Nile says much about Jochebed’s influence. I see Jochebed as a great lioness. As a matter of fact she is symbolic of God. Her name means "His Glory" and just as God gave His Son Jesus to be a deliverer, Jochebed gives Moses to go and live in another kingdom; so he can return and set His people free and be their deliverer.
Look with me at the symbolism. God's word is full of secret treasures, if we will just dig for them. God will release Jesus to earth a second time. Moses had to fight an Egyptian, a symbol of Satan and Jesus will fight satan. Moses returned to his Hebrew brothers and delivered them. Jesus is returning for us, His brethren and deliver us to our Promised Land.