The days of Jeremiah's ministry to the people of Israel were days of deep spiritual wickedness. The people had sinned against God to the point where He was ready to give them up into captivity. And, in fact, they did go into captivity in just a few short years. Yet, even while they perched on the edge of judgment, the Lord desires to see them turn back to Him.
In this verse, we are given the image of a traveler who come to a fork in the road. He has the opportunity to go anyway he desires, but God tells him to ask for the "old paths, where is the good way". Instead of just traveling blindly on, this traveler is to stop an ask directions. (Ill. Many are too filled with pride to stop and ask, and as a result, they waste much valuable time seeking their way.)
We will look at 3 points Requirement, Reward and Refusal over the next three days from this scripture.
Just like those German soldiers caused confusion and death by changing a few signs, so many in our day are leading millions off into Hell because they are changing some of the road signs of the faith. Allow me to share a few of the road signs that are being changed in our day.
1. Salvation Through The Blood - Heb. 9:22
2. Belief In The Scriptures - 2 Tim. 3:16; Psa. 119:89. (Ill. 66 books, 1,189 chapters, 41,173 verses; 774,746 words; 3,566,480 letters in the Bible. It is every ounce the infallible, inerrant, inspired Word of God.)
3. Love For The Church - Heb. 10:25
4. The Reality Of Heaven And Hell - John 14:1-3; Psa. 9:17.
5. The Value Of The Human Soul - Mark 8:36-37.
6. The Soon Return Of Jesus - Rev. 20:12; I Thes 4:13-18.
7. The Holiness Of God - Ill. We try to bring God down to man's level. He is holy - Isa. 6:3; 1 Pet. 1:16.
Regardless of which signs the world changes, it does not change the road. The Word of God is still settled in Heaven. We still know the "old paths". There is no question about what way is the right way. God's requirement has not changed: ask for the old path and walk therein.
Tomorrow the Reward.