James 1:21 “Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.”
There is a reason we are to “humbly” receive God’s Word. True repentance strips us bare, leaving us with nothing good to claim. We stand before God naked, exposed, with all secrets revealed, all hidden motives uncovered, all shameful deeds dragged out into the light, every casual thought and every foolish word brought before the Lord so that we might be forgiven, healed, and made whole.
A proud man can’t repent because he won’t repent. His pride keeps him from admitting anything. But when we are finally stripped bare, then we are in the ideal position to receive God’s Word because then we have a truly teachable spirit. We are able to receive that which will save our soul.
We are to “receive” God’s Word the same way we receive an old friend who has made a long journey to see us. That means when we hear the Word, we don’t argue with it and we don’t make excuses. We welcome it with open arms. “Speak to me, O Lord, I am ready to hear your voice.”
The word “implanted” pictures a seed planted in the ground. God’s Word is like a seed that will grow up within us to produce good fruit. If you combine this truth with the previous one, it means when we pull up the weeds of sin, we make room so that God’s Word can grow up within us to produce the fruit of a life filled with the beauty of Jesus. When that happens, the implanted Word is able to save us. It delivers us from sin, guilt, shame, condemnation, and the moral filth of the world around us.
Here is the second question: Am I willing to receive God’s Word with an open heart? If the answer is yes, then we can move on to the next step. Talk with you tomorrow here on RPMDaily.net for #3 "Respond By Doing"