"Why do I have such high student loans? It's free to go to college in Sweden." You did not go to college in Sweden. "I should just default on my loans!" No, you could say, "I have a high student loan, so I will work in state and this employer will pay part of my student loan. I can do this for five years then I can go to the job I really want and make more money because I will have more experience too."
The bottom line is, we have choices. Kids raised by absentee parents or alcoholic parents can choose not to drink, or use their parents as a reason to drink. We can use the bad stuff that happens to us as an excuse to do less, or the reason to do more! I choose the latter. We can say that when we grow up in a tough environment it makes us tougher or takes us out. We would be correct in both statements. The question is what do you want from a bad experience; bad life or a good reason?
We make our choices and then our choices make us.