Many wish they were someone else. Many wish they could just walk away from it all and start over again. In my occupation you hear it often. They got too busy being everything to everybody and now they are nothing to nobody. We have to choose how we spend our time. Life is not about chasing rabbits it is however going after what God has called you to go after. So too when we try to be everything we end up being nothing.
Be what you were created to be. If you don't know what and who that is take a list of paper and divide it in half. On one side list your strengths, and on the other side list your weaknesses. Then begin to pray and ask God what He would desire of you. Write down what makes you cry and what makes you mad. Dr. Mike Murdock says that it is a key to your assignment. I believe it is not only a key but a problem you are to solve. Finally find someone who cares about you and knows you and most importantly knows God and then discuss these findings with them. You were created and brought into this world for a purpose.
Jeremiah 1:5 (NIV) “"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
Here's to finding your purpose! Here's to being all you can be. Today is a new day. So what if it's a rainy dreary day. Grab an umbrella, climb the stairs and who knows there may be a rainbow at the top of the stairs and a pot of gold at the bottom of the rainbow. In others words you will never find prosperity without finding you. Joy and satisfaction are gifts for those who find themselves and then bless others by being the best "you" you can be.