"Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established."
So, how did I come back to life? How did I go from the walking dead to making a life and getting ahead? One day at a time. Don't stop reading. It doesn't take that many days! God restores the years the canker worm and swarming locust has devoured. We can call it a "Supernatural Comeback." He (God) did it for me and He can do it for you. He is no respecter of persons. In fact He made the comeback Himself. He called it a Resurrection.
I needed help. I couldn't find my way out of doing to start being. We are called human beings not human doings. But, doing is all I knew. Doing dulled the pain of being. Being can become so painful. Why? Beings feel. Beings feel deeply. What I felt I didn't want to feel so I buried it in my doing. Then, I got a coach.
My coach touch places in my soul, that I did not know -- could feel that painful. Fact of the matter is -- I didn't even know they were there. That's how deep they were buried. Once the earth moving experience was over, I could see it. I could see what others had seen all along, but wasn't visible to me. I had a blindspot that was keeping me in the numbers of the walking dead.
If that's you? Maybe you need a coach too? Go to my website www.renaperozich.com and schedule an appointment. Maybe we can become earth movers together? And maybe, just maybe we can have a resurrection of the real you! Or, who knows? Maybe a new and better version of you?
ACTION STEP: Find what you are good at. Ask several friends or family members to make you a list of just 25 things they believe you do well. Yes, I know this will not be easy to reach out with a Big Ask.
Then, circle the ones that you love doing.
Now move those to a new list. Pray over that list. Then, circle what you believe God has or is calling you to do.
Next step find 10 books on the subject and start reading. Keep a journal beside you as you read. Write in that journal what speaks to you. Put that quote you can't get out of your head into the journal.
Give yourself one year. Then let me know how life is going.
I believe in you and you need to believe in yourself.