I mean Saul thought he was pretty awesome. He even let everyone know. However, when his name was changed to Paul is mean small or humble. His inward change brought an outward change of name. The same type of thing happened with Jacob. Jacob wrestled with an angel and God changed his name to Israel.
I could go on and mention Peter and others but here's the point. You can be a loser and God can change you into a winner! You can be broke and God can turn you into wealthy! You can be sick and God can change you into healthy!
God redeemed us! He turned us from damned to saved, doomed to destined for heaven! Share the good news of the Gospel with someone today. Be a life-changer like Barnabas. Quit crawling around like a worm that's the devil's job, and start soaring like the Spirit within you, because that's who you are created to be.