No one that has ever lived is greater than this man yet God who came to die that we might live. He was born to die, born to bear the sin of the world that would could receive freedom from eternal death, hell and torment. He knew His calling and fulfilled His destiny. He never sinned but bore the sin of the world. Because of what He did you and I can live free from guilt, shame and condemnation.
He ever lives to make intercession for you and I in a war that has lasted over 6000 years. He hears our prayers and answers. He knows us personally through the power of the Holy Spirit and is as close as the mention of his name. Kings and kingdoms will all pass away but there's something about that name. At the name of Jesus every name will bow. Sickness has to go and the graves have to give up their dead.
Jesus is the greatest leader that has ever lived.
Once you become a child of God the next step is to become a disciple. For more information contact me at [email protected] or call 1-877-772-9632