"Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.”
Rivers carry vessels yielded to it, without effort, by just "being there." Similarly, for God to have his way in revival, all we need "do" is obey -- yield to the flow; it will carry us.
A river does not flow straight down a mountainside. It twists and turns. God's ways are not predictable. He doesn't do things the same way every time. Otherwise we could manufacture the move of God. (It's been tried!)
The river of God is more than refreshing. While many would be content to stand on the riverbank, basking in the presence of God, the river is not an end in itself, but it serves as a tributary to connect one body of water to another. A river must have an outlet. In the natural, a river doesn't just flow and flow. It empties into another body of water: ocean, lake, or another river. In the same sense, revival is not the ultimate experience, an end in itself, but a means to a far greater end. Through the river of revival, we can be cleansed, yield to the flow of the Spirit, be refreshed and move in the gifts, but the true rivers of revival will also extend to the dry lands downstream and reach the lost.
Even as the river must have an outlet, it must have a source. That source must be higher than itself. Although it originates in the mountaintops, a river does not stay there; it flows downstream, to reach the valleys. When flowing freely, the river of God joins our relationship with God (mountain) to the place of need (valley). The higher the mountain, the greater the flow. The deeper the valley, the greater the flow, the stronger the power of the current.
Rivers don't flow indiscriminately; they have direction. The waters never move from the east bank to the west; or upstream and down coincidentally. It is not disorderly, but flows in a well-defined channel, within the boundaries of its banks and, with rare exception, follows the laws of gravity. This speaks of the unity and submission of the body. Only when out of control, as in a flood, does nature deviate from this pattern.
Rivers alter their landscape: eroding rough edges off rocks, carrying downhill boulders, they make impressions everywhere they go. This illustrates how true revival will transform our lives and those with whom we come in contact. We are never again the same. There is a huge difference between a fountain and a river.
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Planning something makes it happen. No plan then you plan to fail. So, make plans now to attend this years Women of Witness "Raising King Intensive." Our theme is "Be the Lion~Find your Roar." Many women are being set up by God, to be position to usher in the greatest move of God we have ever seen. Prepare yourself now. Jump in and register today by clicking here and applying: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2021-raising-kings-intensive-tickets-157693478439
I believe in you and you need to believe in yourself.