Why? Because they failed to make investments into the relationships. Investments are spelled, time, energy, money. Just like the children of Israel had to go out and collect manna each day; we need to give to the relationships we value and cherish everyday. One vacation a year is not going to hold the family together any more than one dozen roses on Valentines Day will fill your spouses love tank for life. Living strong takes work. Living relationships take work. Are you working at the things that are most important to you? If your job is more important than your spouse, you will put your passion into the job and have none left for your spouse. If your children are more important, then when your spouse gets home you have nothing left for them.
Live your best life now. Here is a formula; God first, spouse second, children third. Break this law and your marriage will crumble just as easily as breaking the law of gravity. Children are a temporary commodity. They are ours for a season, then they are to leave and cleave. Let them see you do it right so they can get it right.
Rich or poor, educated or illiterate, young or old, famous or unknown, we all have limited time to spend. This is a law of life. Christian or non-Christian the law works the same. Just because your a Christian does not mean you will have a great marriage. Break the laws of marriage and you will lose your marriage. Live the life that you were created to live. Enjoy the marriage that God created marriage to be. Raise your children in a Godly environment. This is not a pipe-dream, it can be your reality.
Want to learn more about this subject? Join me for our Bi-Annual Marriage Seminar February 17-18, 2016. Here is the link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/marriage-seminar-tickets-31132497137