“If you want your relationship to stand the test of time give your spouse the air to breath.” Rena Perozich (TWEET)
The other thing a great relationship needs is the space to speak. We all have a voice. Sometimes it’s hard to find our voice. When the world and all its chaos is screaming we can lose the words our heart longs to say. Even those closest to us seem to muffle our words before they are formed in our mouth. The words stay stuck in our throat.
“If you want your relationship to last be silent and listen to what is not being said.” Rena Perozich (TWEET)
Finally, laugh. Laugh often at yourself and with your spouse. Find the humor in the everyday. Find the humor in the tough times as well as the good times. Find humor when you want to be angry and you know your short because so is time. It seems like forever when things are not going right and like a flash of light when things are good. Learn to laugh at both.
I founded a Women’s Group called Women of Witness and the web site is www.remarkablewoman.org If you are a woman I want to invite you to come learn more about relationships. If you are a man share this with your wife and encourage her to take time for herself on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10AM. If you are a single business woman or a student you will take much away from this opportunity for growth. This is a free meeting and babysitting is provided. Check out the web site for more information. Also look forward to our Marriage Seminar coming soon. Until then when you find yourself at the fork in the road give one another space, help the other person communicate and laugh.
Please check out our upcoming Tea. It is our only evangelistic outreach. Each year we win souls for the Kingdom. I appreciate your help coming to and bringing someone