One of the basics of healthy relationships is to have a common purpose, and to honor one another. Many times this is overlooked and we take one another for granted and do our own thing. We can think back and say many of the friends you have met through the years you met while working on a common purpose. You may not have agreed with them on everything but working on that common purpose insisted that you honor that other person's thoughts, ideas and way of doing things.
The common bond of purpose is strong enough to bring you together and hold you together as long as you continue to honor the other person. Working together, building together, failing and succeeding together—all while pursuing a common purpose—is what relationships are made of. Find people with whom you have common purposes and sow the seeds of great relationships, and then reap the long-lasting benefits. In order to focus on that common purpose you will find the need to honor the other persons.
If we judge the other person's heart or motives and find fault with them it will drive a wedge in the relationship. Dishonoring the other person by cutting them off mid-sentence or shutting down their idea before they’ve shared it is disrespectful and does damage not only to the other person but to the relationship itself.
“The first duty of love is to listen.” —Paul Tillich
1 Peter 2:17 (NIV) “Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor”
No one ever said honoring and preferring others would be easy, but God said for us to do it. When we do difficult things it requires us to depend on God. This will cause us to become more Christ-like.
“The giving of love is an education in itself.” —Eleanor Roosevelt
Want an education? Do things God’s way, you will become very wise.