I remember when my girls were loosing teeth. I remembered the panic when I woke up only to remember the "Tooth Fairy" had forgotten to put a dollar under the pillow. I remember the shear shock. I couldn't find a dollar so, I had to put a five dollar bill under that pillow before she woke up. (That also means now all the other teeth are worth five dollars --and the younger one will now expect five dollars too.) Oh, well better that than shatter a childhood make believe fairy. Right? Well, now I repent for lying. Looking back I was deceived, so bound with fear. Just being honest here. Who started this crazy tradition anyway? Why do we as young parents just buy in to it?
Family...is family. Once you belong, well your in! I get it. Once I became a child of God everything I did, do, say, go through, it's all important to God. He feels what I go through. He rejoices in my victories and is touched by my trials. It's part of belonging. It's part of ownership. It is the essence of relationship.
I will live the rest of my life being touched by all of the people I let into my life, my heart, my family. Why? Because I am created in God's image. God is a father. There is a part of me that is meant and designed for family. Family has feelings, responsibilities, victories and battles, wins and loses. Yesterday, I was reminded of just a small one...the loss of a first tooth of my first grandchild. It's okay. I can do this.
Some of you reading this will think, "Wow she is losing it." Others of you will read this and say, "I get it." You know what makes the difference? Knowing the value and deepness of God and the word "Family."
ACTION STEP: Stop and think for a moment about the Family of God. If you're not sure you belong, take a look at Romans 10:9-10, Ephesians 1:5 "He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will,". John 3:6 "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit."
You belong to an earthly family. If you make Jesus your Savior then you belong to a heavenly family. When you become a member of a church, you become a part of that family. God is all about family, and family cares about family!
If you feel like no one cares? Find a new family. Find a place where you belong and matte, and that brings out the best in you. Find a family that celebrates your wins and cries with you at your losses. We do exist.